Sunday, September 11, 2011

TCNS - e -News Week 1

Greetings!!  Wow!!  What a Wonderful Week 1!!  The teacher's and I expected some tears, but there were FAR LESS than expected!!  Don't be surprised if there are more tears next week... that often happens.  Please know that if a child is crying there is always an adult trying to comfort them!

Looking ahead.......

Lunch Bunch apps are due to the LB Coordinator with a postmark deadline of September 12 (extended from September 10).  Attached please find a LB  Application and LB Info Sheet

Our First Parent Advisory Board Meeting is Wednesday, September 14 at 9:15am in the parlor. All our meetings are open to EVERYONE.  If you would like to attend and need babysitting for $5/child contact:

Jeni Roderick at or Sara Brahm 

Our school will be recognized and honored by Trinity Church on September 18 during the 10:30 worship service.  All families are invited to share in this happy occasion!  I hope to see you there!

Have a great weekend!!  - Sue

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